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Zeleros is a group developing Hyperloop Vehicles in Valencia, and this project was made for them. Unfortunately due to the tight deadline I wasn’t able to finish the very last part involving a city, a station, and passengers disembarking the pod.
I modelled, textured (except for the HDRi and grass textures) and animated everything except for the inside seats.
The main pod model consists of very simple shapes and extrudes, the lighting was solved with an HDRi + a couple of area lights + a couple of point lights, the metal/concrete shaders were done procedurally using voronoi/noise/bump/colorRamps, the grass was done with a bunch of textures in planes which then were grouped together in a collections and used like particles, same with the trees.
In post I added the text animation and very simple effects like the sun glare, the SFX were taken from, and the track is the Star Fox 64 HD Main Title Theme.