Jorûndr is the name I gave my very first viking character back in 2010, and it’s the same ame given to The smith’s character. I think this might be one of the oldest ideas I have on my portfolio as I made this drawing 11 years ago.
I modeled everything except for the grass, which is a plane with texture and a particle system turned to hair, and then went ahead to try 3D Coat. I want to up my texturing game and will be trying some programs, the first I downloaded (which is free) is ArmorPaint but as I’m new to this I felt the program extremely clunky especially because it’s supposed to work side to side with Blender. I’ve watched a comparison video and this guy says that it’s a pretty good program but I just passed. 3D Coats feels pretty good so I might buy it, that or Substance Painter. Another free one I found is Quixel Mixer so I’ll be trying it as well.